
Turning Insecurity and Worry Upside Down

Do you find yourself getting insecure? Worrying if you’re being obnoxious or annoying? Turn your brain on it’s head… with this tip from Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: Are you ever afraid that you’re being annoying or does your insecurity come up and bite you in the butt? It can get […]

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Afraid of Attraction or Arousal? We’re Not In 7th Grade Anymore!

Are you afraid of other people’s attraction? Or your own arousal? Most of us can actually control ourselves. You can upgrade your beliefs and feel more confident with yourself and others. Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from share tips and approaches to help you appreciate your pre-frontal cortex! Cathy: Are you still […]

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Unhooking II – Delaying Attachment

Join Cathy Vartuli from as Reid Mihalko from discusses delaying attachment and giving yourself time to got to know your partner (before renting the UHaul on the second date). Reid: So this is the Unhooking II, or what we will say Delaying Attachment. Cathy: It’s good if you can delay that. I’ve seen […]

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I Have An Idea! Initiating Intimacy

Want to Initiate a 3-some? Break the ice? Join Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from as they share ideas and suggestions. Cathy: So we’re back. Reid is going to explain, “I have an idea.” Reid: We’re back from what? What if this is this person’s first video they’re ever watching? They don’t really know […]

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Is It Safe To Be Sexually Intimate With Someone With Herpes?

A lot of people are nervous about connecting with people with herpes. Join Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from as they share. Cathy: Hi Reid. One of our listeners asked, is it safe to be involved with someone with herpes? Reid: I’m Reid Mihalko from Cathy: I’m Cathy Vartuli from Reid: Is it safe? […]

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If I Need Lube For Sex, Does That Mean I’m Not Turned On?

Does needing lube mean there’s anything wrong? Join Reid Mihalko from ReidAboutSex.comand Cathy Vartuli from as they share.   Cathy: We had someone write to us about needing lube for sex. She had thought originally because she needed lube, her partner thought that that meant she wasn’t turned on. What do you think about that […]

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I’m Afraid I’m Losing My Partner

What can you do when it feels like someone is moving away from you and your relationship? Join Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from as they share.   Cathy: We had someone write to us and say that he’s so in love with the woman he’s with and he feels like he’s losing […]

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Being Attracted to Unavailable and Distant People

Being Attracted to Unavailable and Distant People? With Cathy Vartuli from and Reid Mihalko from Cathy: Do you ever find that you’re getting attracted, you find yourself attracted to people that are distant or emotionally unavailable? That can be a pattern that some people can fond to. And if you can just hit […]

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Cheated On In Relationship

What do you do when your partner cheats on you? With Cathy Vartuli from and Reid Mihalko from Cathy: What do you do when your partner cheats on you? Reid: I get angry, that’s what I do. Cathy: Thank you, that was so helpful Reid Mihalko from Reid: Awesome. You’re welcome Cathy Vartuli from […]

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Join Cathy Vartuli from and Reid Mihalko from Cathy: Someone wrote in and asked, she said she’s interested in a married man and she doesn’t know what to do. Reid: Mmmhmmmm … Cathy: This is Reid Mihalko from … Reid: I’m going to assume that that man’s not married to her. Cathy: No, he’s not. Reid: Mmmhmmm … Cathy: This […]

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