Curriculum Vitae

Sex is one of the few things in our culture that we are not allowed to watch in order to learn from, and because our culture’s history is so rooted in sex-negativism, just talking about sex for most people feels like going to the dentist! Instead of speaking up and asking questions, most people turn to pornography to learn how to be better lovers, which is like trying to learn to drive from watching The Fast and The Furious. Bad idea!
My personal passion, and the mission of and all my projects, is to get adults talking about sex and intimacy with more self-confidence, less fear, and a greater sense of self-esteem. I use my humor, my unabashedness, and my years of experience working with thousands of individuals to make talking and learning about sex empowering and fun. I was once that awkward and shy 7th grader who knew squat about sex and romance. If I can overcome my shyness and low self-esteem, so can you!
“…just talking about sex for most people feels like going to the dentist! Sex and relationships don’t have to be scary.”
Brown University (1986 – 1992)
- Graduated BFA – Fine Arts
Pinkerton Academy (1982 — 1986)
- Graduated 18th in class of 498
- Sex Diaries [S1; Ep 3], HBO – As the episode follows a day in the love life of polyamorous woman, Lola, Reid makes a guest appearance as one of Lola’s long-term, long-distance partners/lover.
- Chelsea Does… [Marriage, ep 1], Netflix – Reid and Chelsea Handler talk about marriage, polyamory, and what makes for healthy relationships
- Our America with Lisa Ling season 2, Swingers Next Door episode, Oprah’s OWN – Reid’s Plays Well With Others workshop and 1-on-1 interview featured
- The Doctors, CBS – Reid talking about Tantra and Kundalini Yoga
- Fox News, FOX – Segment discussing Reid’s controversial college lecture series
- Miss Advised, season 1, episode 4, Bravo TV – Reid’s Full-Body Kiss workshop and Date Your Species advice featured
- CSI: New York, episode: Grand Murder at Central Station, CBS — Cuddle Party’s first prime-time drama appearance
- Saturday Night Live, NBC — Cuddle party mentioned during Weekend Update segment
- Stephen Colbert Report, Comedy Central — Cuddle Party mentioned in the Wag of the Finger segment
- The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, NBC — Cuddle Party mentioned in Jay Leno’s opening monologue two nights in a row
- Yale University, New Haven, CT
- John Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
- Stamford University, Stamford, CA
- Brown University, Providence, RI
- Columbia University, New York, NY
- University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC
- University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY
- University of Houston, Houston, TX
- University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA
- McEwan University, Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA
- Widner University, Chester, PA
- Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA
- University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
- Hampton-Sydney College, Farmville, VA
- University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
- Lynchburg College, Lynchburg, VA
- Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY
- San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA
- Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI
- City College of New York, New York, NY
- Green Mt. College, Green Mountain, VT
- Stony Brook College, Stony Brook, NY
- City College of Pasadena, Pasadena, CA
- LA Gay Center, Los Angeles, CA
- NYC LGBTQ Center, New York, NY
- SoHo Club, Los Angeles, CA
- Center for Sex and Culture, San Francisco, CA
- Center for Sex Positive Culture, Seattle, WA
- Good Vibrations, San Francisco, CA
- Good Vibrations, Boston, MA
- The Pleasure Chest, West Hollywood, CA
- The Pleasure Chest, Chicago, IL
- The Pleasure Chest, New York, NY
- Smitten Kitten, Minneapolis, MN
- Self Serve, Albuquerque, NM
- Sugar the Shop, Baltimore, MD
- Pure Pleasure, Santa Cruz, CA
- Tool Shed, Milwaukee
- The Garden DC, Washington, DC
- Sexy Spirits, New York City, NY
- One Taste Urban Retreat Centers, San Francisco, CA
- One Taste Urban Retreat Centers, New York City, NY
- Whole DC, Washington, DC
- Authentic Man Program, San Francisco, CA
- Loving More Non-Profit, Loveland, CO
- Poly-NYC, New York City, NY
- Ms. Lavie’s School of the Loving Arts, Minneapolis, MN
- Reflections Yoga, New York, NY
- Yoga Mandali, New York, NY
- East West Yoga, New York, NY
- Main Line Yoga, Philadelphia, PA
- World Peace Gardens, St. George, UT
- SoulPlay Festival, Cobb, CA (Presenter)
- BlissBoogies Festival, Pittsboro, NC (Presenter)
- Bonobo Retreat PLAY, Saratoga Springs, CA (Presenter)
- Conscious Connection Retreat, Seattle, WA (Presenter)
- Sex Down South, Atlanta, GA (Presenter)
- The CLFE’s National Sex Education Conference 2016 (Presenter)
- The CLFE’s National Sex Education Conference 2012 (Presenter)
- ASSECT’s American Society of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists 48th Annual Conference (Presenter)
- ASSECT’s American Society of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists 46th Annual Conference (Presenter)
- Amorous Revolt, Darlington, MD
- Gender Camp, Eugene, OR
- BIL Conference, Long Beach, CA (Presenter, Curator/Organizer of the Sex and Relationship Stage)
- SHE’s Sexual Health Expo, Los Angeles, CA (Presenter, Awards Show Host)
- SHE’s Sexual Health Expo, New York, NY (Presenter)
- Woodhull Sexual Freedom Summit, Washington, DC (Presenter)
- Converge Con, Vancouver, B.C., CANADA
- Intimacy Fest, Aguanga, CA (Presenter)
- SoulPlay Festival, Pinecrest, CA (Presenter)
- Esctastic Love Fest, Pinecrest, CA (Presenter)
- CatalystCon Conference East, Washington, DC (Presenter)
- CatalystCon Conference West, Southern California (Presenter)
- CatalystCon Conference MidWest, Chicago, IL (Presenter)
- Momentum Conference, Washington, DC (Keynote Panelist, Presenter)
- Sex 2.0, Seattle, WA
- Sex and Consciousness Educators Conference, Seattle, WA (Organizer, Presenter)
- Good Vibrations Sex Summit, San Francisco, CA (Moderator)
- Beyond The Bedroom Conference, Denver, CO (Keynote and Presenter)
- AVN’s Adult Novelty Expo, Pasadena, CA (Awards Show Host, Curator of Sex Education Panels, Moderator)
- AVN’s Adult Novelty Expo and International Lingerie Show, The Palms Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, NV (Awards Show Host)
- AVN’s Adult Entertainment Expo, The Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas, NV (Sex Education Presenter and MC)
- Daka Dakini Conference, Catskills, NY (Organizer, Presenter)
- Great N.E. Sacred Sexuality Round-Up, New York City, NY (Founder, Organizer, Presenter)
- Rocky Mountain Poly Living, Denver, CO (Keynote, Presenter)
- Poly Living, Philadelphia, PA (Keynote, Presenter)
- Poly Living, Seattle, WA (Presenter)
- Dark Odyssey Summer Camp, MD (Presenter)
- Burning Man Arts Festival, Black Rock City, NV (Organizer, Presenter)
- Polyamorous-NYC’s Poly Pride Day, New York, NY (Presenter)
- Daka Dakini Conference, Sedona, AZ (MC, Presenter)
- Daka Dakini Conference Mid-West, Chicago, IL (Presenter)
- Daka Dakini Conference East, Virginia Beach, VA (Presenter)
- Raw Spirit Festival, Sedona AZ (Presetner)
- Durango International Film Festival, Durango, CO (Filmmaker)
1986 | Earns 1st degree black belt rank in Tae-Kwon Do |
1986 | Recruited for Football by Harvard and Brown University |
1986-96 | Teaches karate in New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and New York |
1992 | Earns 2nd degree black belt in Isshin-Ryu Karate |
2004 | Creates Cuddle Party |
2004-2005 | Manages ensuing media frenzy surrounding Cuddle Party |
2004-2005 | Introduction Leader for Landmark Education LLC |
2004-Present | Hosts over 350 Cuddle Parties for more than 4,000 people |
2005 | Creates the Foundations of Facilitation Training for Cuddle Party |
2005 | Creates the Cuddle Party Facilitator Certification Program |
2005-2010 | Trains and certifies over 250 people to run Cuddle Parties |
2005 | Ordained as Clergy of the Church of Spiritual Humanism |
2005 | Certified in CPR & First Aid by the American Red Cross |
2007 | Turns Cuddle Party into a non-profit organization |
2007 | Sits on the Advisory Board of EDUCO, the non-profit umbrella overseeing Cuddle Party |
2007 | Creates Speed-Flirting |
2008 | Launches Reid Mihalko’s Pro-Series, products and resources designed for Sex Educators and Sex-Positive Professionals |
2009 | Launches Shown-N-Tell Sex Education Series |
2009 | Releases Earning Your Blackbelt in Relationships DVD |
2009 | Creates National End A Bad Relationship Day |
2009 | Creates Iron Slut Sex Educator Showdown |
- Updates needed.
- In early 2018, some very brave people came forward sharing harms that Reid had caused them. Reid stepped down from teaching and initiated a restorative justice-based accountability process to address his misconduct and make amends if and where possible. The formal, year-long process along with Reid’s apology and resources were shared publicly and can be found at Going forward, Reid’s projects and appearances will include pointing people towards resources and experts on restorative and transformative justice-based accountability processes.
- Date Your Species
- PolyCurious 101-Sexual Health Expo
- Negotiating Successful Threesomes-Sexual Health Expo
- Bawdy Storytelling
- Blowjob Grad School
- Plays Well With Others: Navigating Negotiating Boundaries
- NonConservative Sex at MacEwan University
- Open Hearts, Open Minds-University of Tennessee
- You Like That? Consent and Communication in the Bedroom-University of Tennessee
- Sex Educator Showdown-University of Tennessee
- How To Host Your Own Kick-Ass Play Party-ConvergeCon
- Using Social Media and Contests to Raise Awareness and Promote Participation-ConvergeCon
- Creating Your Safer Sex Elevator Speech-ConvergeCon
- Iron Slut Sex Educator Showdown-ConvergeCon
- Sex Without Upset: Learn To Navigate Complex Sexual Situations Like A Rockstar And Leave Everyone Better Than You Found Them-ConvergeCon
- Rough Sex For Nice Folks
- Energetic Sex For Pragmatists-SoulPlay Festival
- Date Your Species
- Negotiating Your Business Deals Like Sex
- Negotiating Successful Threesomes
- Fearless Relating Intensive
- Energetic Play Party
- All Gender Play Party
- Cuddle Party
- Speed Flirting
- Threeway Workshop and Puja
- Rough Sex For Nice Folks
- Energetic Sex
- Polycurious 101
- Blowjob Grad School
- Navigating Open Relationships
- Plays Well With Others
- Sex Without Upset
- Rough Sex For Nice Folks
- Business Advice with Reid
- Deep Dive Interactive Workshop
- Iron Slut
- Consensually Savvy Play Party
- Navigating Non-Monogamy
- Sexual Self-Confidence
- Energetic Play Party Bliss Experience
- Date Your Business Model
- How To Teach Sex Ed Fearlessly
- Be The Change You Want To See In Your Bedroom
- Sex Down South Conference
- Bawdy Storytelling
- Polyamory: Beyond The Basics
- Healing Your Sexual Shame and Flirting
- Puja & Sexual Energetics
- Beyond The Workshop
- Careers in Sexuality
- How To Be A Gentleman and Still Get Laid
- Navigating Open Relationships
- Sex Geek Summer Camp
- Negotiating Successful Threesomes
- Rough Sex For Nice Guys
- Rough Sex For Nice Folks
- Putting More Pleasure In Your Business
- Energetic Play Party w/Monique Darling
- Energetic Sex For Pragmatists
- Iron Slut w/Monique Darling
- Relationship10x LIVE
- Energetic Sex Practicum
- Blowjob Grad School
- When Pleasure Is Your Business: Using Sex Education To Create Fans, Increase Sales, And Make The World a Better Place
- Dating Your Species Applied
- Dating Your Species
- Sex10x Online
- Relationship10x LIVE
- Night of Intimacy: The Sacred Path of Honoring a Goddess/Energetic Sex
- Sex Positive Professional 3.0: Upgrading Your Business
- Play Party Practicum
- Energetic Sex Practicum and Playground
- Healing Sexual Shame By Asking For What You Want AND Flirting-101
- An Introduction to Sex10x
- Relating Like a Pro
- Intro to Energetic Sex
- Full Body Kiss
- Wake Up to your Dream Life
- Slut/Slut-Lite
- Sexual Energetics Workshop (Co-ed)
- Dating Your Species and Finding Your Hell Yes!
- Polyamory: Beyond The Basics
- The Business Behind The Business of Sex Ed
- Sexual Study Guide
- How To Be A Gentleman AND Get Laid Workshop
- It’s Hard To Kill People When You’re Cuddling: How Low Touch Societies and Sexual Shame Increase Conflict, Violence, and War”
- Negotiating Successful Threesomes
- Blowjobs and Beyond
- Shameless Self-Promotion Panel: Marketing 101 for Activists
- Relationship10x Online
- The Ins and Outs of Hand Sex
- Tantra For Beginners
- Getting The Sex You Want
- Full-Body Kiss
- Blowjobs & Beyond
- Negotiating Successful Threesomes
- Putting A Frame On Shame: Fine Art, Sex, And Shame
- I’ll Have What She’s Having: All About Orgasm!
- Flirting-101
- Eros Forward: Sexuality, Dating, Intimacy and Love In The 21st Century
- The Wisdom of Polyamory
- Hand Sex/Pegging Double Header Workshop
- Energetic Sex For Pragmatists
- Date Your Species!
- Energetic Sex Practicum and Playground
- Communication Mastery~How to Say What’s Not Being Said
- Got Vulnerability? Communication, Authenticity, & Vulnerability 101
- Energetic Sex Introductory Evening
- Healing Sexual Shame By Asking For What You Want AND Flirting-101
- How Not To Eat Your Own Nibbles
- Plays Well With Others
- Poly-Curious 101
- Understanding Men, The Workshop
- Transmedia Storytelling
- All About Orgasm
- Ergonomics of Dynamite Sex
- Talk Back AND Key Party
- Healing Sexual Shame By Asking For What You Want AND Flirting-101
- I’ll Have What She’s Having: Orgasms Made Easier
- Negotiating Successful Threesomes
- Plays Well With Others: Negotiating Relationship Boundaries and Agreements for Group Sexploration
- Full-Body Kiss
- Blowjobs & Beyond
- How to Treat a Lady
- Yale’s Sex Week’s Kick-Off Show
- Pegging AND Polyamory
- Mindshare LA Salon: “Relate/Reframe”
- Sexual Self-Confidence Workshop
- Tickling the ‘Taint & Beyond
- Play Well With Others
- Sex Ecstasy Practicum
- Putting the Us in Cunnilingus San Fran’s Pink Playshop
- Speaker at Oregon’s New Culture Summer Camp
- Speaker at Woodhull’s Sexual Freedom Summit in DC
- Speaker at NJ’s National Sex Ed Conference
- Poly-Curious 101
- Getting the Sex You Want
- Host at the ANE’s “O” Awards
- Tantra-Palooza
- Pasadena City College’s Queer Alliance for Sex Education Week
- Keynote Speaker at Denver’s ‘Beyond The Bedroom’ Conference
- Making Your Sexy Business Successful
- The Wisdom Of Polyamory
- Healing Sexual Shame By Asking For What You Want And Flirting-101
- Sensual Wonderland’s Pink Puja with Monique Darling
- Communicating And Relating
- Iron Slut Sex Educator Showdown
- Rekindling Desire
- Healing Sexual Shame By Asking For What You Want
- 50 Ways to Leave Your Sucky Lover
- Got Jealousy? Overcoming the Green-Eyed Beast
- Energetic Sex for Pragmatists
- SFSU’s “So You Want To Be a Sex Educator?” Sex Ed Panel
- From Hand To Mouth 2-Day Intensive
- Negotiating Successful Threesomes
- Navigating Open Relationships
- Putting Your Body Into Your Kisses
- Earn Your BLACKBELT in Relationships
- Knowing and Negotiating Your Boundaries as a Sex-Positive Professional
- The Full Body Kiss
- From Hand To Mouth: She Comes First
- Dildos, Dental Dams and Deepthroating
- Shame, Jealousy, and Cuddling
- Plays Well With Others: Negotiating Relationship Boundaries and Agreements for Group Sexploration
- Play Parties: How To Throw ‘Em and How To Attend ‘Em
- San Fran’s Pre-Pink Playshop: Threesomes
- Afternoon Delight with Susie Bright
- Women’s Only, VIP, 3-hour Full-Body Kiss and Q&A
- Reid and Annie Sprinkle get EcoSexual
- Safer Sex Talks ~ Keeping It Juicy! Keeping It Real!
- EcoSexual Practices Panel
- Sex Blogger and Toy Reviewer Panel Moderator at AVN’s Novelty Expo
- Cracking the Midlife Code… Secrets To Having a Hot, Healthy, Energetic Midlife Body!
- From Hand to Mouth: How to Pleasure a Woman
- Sacred Sexuality Round-Up
- Tickling the ‘Taint and Beyond
- Date Your Species!
- Toronto Canada’s Playground Conference
- Tantra-Palooza
- Energetic Sex 1-Day Intensive
- Tantric Dating: Co-creating Relationships For The Spiritually Minded
- Foundations of Facilitation Weekend Intensive
- Show-N-Tell Sex Ed: Why Putting A Condom On A Banana Isn’t The Same As Putting A Condom On An Actual Penis…
- Acute and Chronic Pain In Bed: Bringing Sexy Back with Lisa Skye Carle and Reid!
- Reid’s Iron Slut Sex Educator Showdown
- The Secrets To Sex Magic with Kamala Devi (Teleclass)
- Dildos, Dental Dams and Deep Throating
- Reid’s Tantra for Beginners
- Relationship Dojo 1-Day Workout: Jealousy Judo and Communication Kung-Fu!
- Earning Your BLACKBELT In Relationships DVD
- Iron Slut Sex Educator Showdown: Reid vs San Diego’s Kamala Devi in Oakland!
- Reid to keynote Poly Living 2010 — What happens when Poly becomes mainstream?
- Threesomes… Just in Time for Valentine’s!
- Hands-On Energetic Sex in New York City
- Relationships: The Reality and the Illusion
- Reid Facilitating 3rd Annual Polyamory Leadership Summit in Philly, Feb 21-22, 2010
- From Somatic to Digital and Back Again: A Candid Conversation with Joseph Kramer
- The Ins and Outs of Hand Sex grips Manhattan
- Pre-Valentine’s Single’s Only Cuddle Party hits New York City!
- Romance for the Jaded New Yorker and the Newly In Love! Workshop
- Pro-Series presents: Hiring an Assistant When You’re a Sex-Positive Professional
- Reid Interviews Dossie Easton, author of The Ethical Slut 2nd Edition
- So You Wanna Be a Sex Educator?
- Battling the Eight-Armed Octopus of Jealousy
- The Ins and Outs of Hand Sex II: Intermediate and Advanced Techniques…
- Reid Set to Teach “Old Dogs” New Tricks: Baby Boomer Workshop…
- The Ins and Outs of Hand-Sex with Amy Jo Goddard!
- Forgive and Reinvent: Dusting Off Your Relationships and Making Them Shine!
- NYC’s Saturday Night Puja! (A.K.A. Triple Goddess Tantric Puja!)
- Join Reid in the Catskills of NY for the Daka/Dakini Tantra Conference East ‘09
- NYC’s Sacred Sexuality Symposium
- The Full-Body Kiss with Reid: Great Making Out is More Than Just Using Your Mouth…
- Finding, Starting and Sustaining Relationships For The Spiritually Minded (teleclass)
- The Ins and Outs of Hand Sex
- Hands-On Energetic Sex: An Expansive and Explosive Evening of Exploration of Kundalini and Vibrational Luvin’ with Reid
- The Future of Sex Positive Dating & Relating! — Finding, Starting and Sustaining
- Romantic and Sexual Relationships For The Spiritually Minded
- Time Bombs and Warning Signs: 3 Ways to Keep You and Your Clients Safe During Sexual Healing (teleclass)
- Healing the Wounded Feminine: Advanced, 3-Day Workshop for Sacred Sexuality Practitioners
- Reid’s Teleclass of Teleclasses: How to Run Your Own Teleclass
- Pro-Series: Synergy Discussion with Reid
- Foundations of Free Love 3-Day Retreat
- A New Foundation of Ethical Sluttery with Dossie Easton
- Reid to Co-Sponsor October’s East Coast Daka/Dakini Tantra Conference
- Reid’s Day of Jealousy with Guest Jealousy Experts
- 6-Weeks To More Energetic Sex!
- Poly-Curious 101: Understanding Non-Monogamy
- Rape, Incest and Healing the Wounded Feminine Talk in Sedona
- Your Relationship Decoder Ring (Part 1)
- The Ergonomics of Dynamic and Dynamite Sex workshop
- Clothes-On Sex! (the workshop)
- Staying Connected Through Romance Woos New York
- Women Who Give Too Much (teleclass series)
- Speed-Flirting seduces Balitmore, MD…
- Romance for the Rest of Us hits our Nation’s Capitol!
- Dating To Win: An Intimate Conversation About The High-Stakes of Love!
- Dildos, Dental Dams, and Deep Throating!
- Five Secrets to Attracting a Perfect Partner
- Pre-Valentine’s Speed-Flirting!
- Staying Connected Through Romance workshop
- Single’s Only Valentine’s Cuddle Party in NYC…
- Bedroom Cupid: Giving Your Lover What They Want In The Bedroom This Valentine’s
- National End a Bad Relationship Day (Teleclass)
- Negotiating Successful Threesomes includes sample of the Workbook
- Initiating Threesomes Teleclass
- Putting the Love Back in Valentines: 6 Surefire Steps to Creating More Touch, Intimacy, and Romance
- Group Sex Then and Now Discussion Panel #4
- “Three-In-A-Bed” Made Easy: Negotiating Successful Threesomes!
- San Fran Cuddle Party Jan 19th
- 1-on-1 Mentoring and Workshop Design with Reid
- How To Talk To the Media About Sex Teleseminar
- Jenny Block joins Poly-Curious 101’s Call 3!
- Robyn Trask joins Poly-Curious 101’s Call #2!
- Tristan Taormino joining Poly-Curious 101 Teleseminar!
- Powerful Women in Relationships And Those Who Love ‘Em!
- Poly-Curious 101: Understanding Non-Monogamy eCourse
- Foundations of Free Love, 3-day workshop
- Finding Your Perfect Polyamorous Match Teleclass
- Thrive as a Sex-Positive Professional with this Teleclass!
- Creating Connection with Women
- San Francisco’s first Play Party Panel
- Group Sex Then and Now — San Francisco Panel #1
- Putting The “Art” in Partnership (workshop)
NOTABLE PERSONAL APPEARANCES (Television, Radio, and Film)
- Chelsea Does (Chelsea Handler’s Netflix Documentary Series)-Season 1, Episode 1-Netflix
- Nina Hartley’s Guide To Exploring Open Relationships-Independent
- Marriage 2.0-Independent
- CBS’ The Doctors-CBS
- OWN’s Our America with Lisa Ling
- Bravo’s Miss Advised, Season 1, Episode 4
- Tyra (The Tyra Banks’ Show) – CBS
- Montel (The Montel Williams’ Show) – FOX
- Penn & Teller’s Bullshit! – Showtime
- Life & Style – UPN/Sony Television
- NPR’s Weekend Edition with Scott Simon – NPR
- BBC Radio’s Five Live – BBC Radio, London
- ABC’s World News Now – ABC Television
- Your World with Neil Cavuto – Fox Television
- Control – Univision
- Sex Files – Discovery Channel, Canada
- Sex TV – ChumTV, Canada
- Unscrewed with Martin Sargent – G4Tech TV
- The Dr. Laura Berman Show – Canadian National Radio
- Out Q’s The John McMullen Show – Sirius Satellite Radio
- The Daily Show with John Stewart – Comedy Central
- Salt-N-Peppa’s None of Your Business (Music Video) – MTV/VH1
- CSI: New York — Cuddle Party’s first prime-time drama appearance — Episode: Grand Murder at Central Station — CBS
- Saturday Night Live — Cuddle party mentioned during Weekend Update segment — NBC
- Stephen Colbert Report — Cuddle Party mentioned in the Wag of the Finger segment — Comedy Central
- The Tonight Show with Jay Leno — Cuddle Party mentioned in Jay Leno’s opening monologue two nights in a row
- Newsweek
- Telemundo
- People
- The Washington Post
- GQ
- Marie Claire
- The New York Daily News
- The London Sunday Times
- Newsday
- Details Magazine
- HBO’s Real Time w/ Bill Maher
- CBS News
- VH1
- The Los Angeles Times
- Comedy Central’s Weekends On the DL
- Media coverage in at least fourteen languages in at least twenty-four countries worldwide to date.
- RISK! (Podcast)
- Hot Fun with Your Clothes ON (Interview and Transcript)
- Sacred But Single (Podcast)
- Your Success Or Your Passion? with Bryan Franklin: Part of Reid’s Series for Sex-Positive Professionals (Pro-Series Teleclass)
- Community as a Spiritual Practice in Tantra (Teleclass)
- Romance Is For The Cats and Dogs (Article)
- Before There Was a Baba Dez: Reid Mihalko in a Candid Conversation with Baba Dez Nichols (Interview)
- Initiating Successful Threesomes (Podcast)
- Understanding Men and How To Talk To Them (Interview and Transcript)
- How to have a one-night stand with three smokin’ men (Podcast)
- Energetic Sex: From Mystical to Practical (Teleclass)
- Friday the 13th is National End a Bad Relationship Day (Teleclass)
- Women Who Give Too Much (Teleclass)
- Pimp My Design: 5-Week Downloadable Workshop Design Class — (Download)
- Speed-Flirting’s Top Ten Flirting Tips (Article)
- Relationship Compatibility in Polyamory — (Podcast)