
Informing You About My Accountability Process

[Some of the following text is taken from the flyer I make available at all of my workshops and appearances. I’m sharing it here to also give readers a sense of what and how information about my accountability process is being shared offline when I’m teaching.] Information about Reid Mihalko’s Accountability Process In early 2018, […]

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The Importance of Difficult Subjects (In Sex Ed and In Life…)

Communities benefit from talking thoughtfully about difficult subjects. And while difficult subjects are, well, difficult… It’s my personal lived experience that silence creates even greater difficulties and pain than walking towards what is uncomfortable.

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An Apology To You For Disappearing For a Year…

If someone says I harmed them, I start with believing them. Period. Any other response, for me goes against my values. Any other response would be inappropriate. I wasn’t interested in adding myself to the list of men who deny, retaliate, or minimize the harms they’re being invited to hold themselves accountable for.

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A Few Resources on Power Dynamics…

An area that often gets overlooked in relationship and sex education is the area of individual/institutional power dynamics and how they impact relationships. This is an area that I was sorely lacking understanding in, but as I continue to journey further down the rabbit hole, slowly developing more awareness and understanding, I would be remiss if I didn’t shout from the rooftops, “Learning how power dynamics are impacting your relationships changes everything!”

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Reid’s Safer Sex Elevator Speech – UPGRADED for Your P.L.E.A.S.U.R.E.

Many people find it difficult to have a safer sex conversation because no one ever taught us how! I use the P.L.E.A.S.U.R.E. acronym to help me recall each of the Safer Sex Elevator Speech’s 8 steps…

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How Can You Create More Sex Date When You’re In A Long Distance Relationship?

How Can You Create More Sex Date When You’re In A Long Distance Relationship?     Cathy: How can you create more sex date and phone play times when you’re in a long distance relationship this is Reid Mihalko Reid: Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: Why, you don’t remember after all this time? Reid: […]

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Where Do You Find Sexy, Kinky Sex Geeks?

Where Do You Find Sexy, Kinky Sex Geeks?             Cathy: Where do you find sexy, kinky, sex geeks? Reid: Look where the tuxes are that’s where you’ll find them. Cathy: This is Reid Mihalko from Reid: Cathy Vartuli from my luggage got lost this morning and all I […]

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Safer Sex: E is for Essentials About Me

Use your safer sex/STI status conversation as building blocks towards creating a sexy, satisfying win-win by including an Essentials About Me segment! In my Safer Sex Elevator Speech post, I share my favorite way to have a safer sex , STD/STI status conversation. I use the P.L.E.A.S.U.R.E. acronym to help remind me of each step. […]

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What To Do When You Want To Start Out A Conversation That You’ve Never Brought Up Before!

What To Do When You Want To Start Out A Conversation That You’ve Never Brought Up Before!     Reid: How do you have a scary conversation when there’re something you want to talk about your relationship and you’ve never brought it up before. This is Reid Mihalko from and I’m sitting with.. Stella: […]

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Places To Go If You’re Exploring Poly in Portland and Other Places! With Stella Harris

Places To Go If You’re Exploring Poly in Portland and Other Places! With Stella Harris     Reid: You live in Portland, Oregon? Stella: That’s true. Reid: Or maybe some place else? And you’re trying to get into the Polyamory thing, who do you call? This is Stella Harris from Who am I? Stella: […]

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