
Leadership and Self-care: Facebook Live With Reid And Cathy

Leadership and Self-care: Facebook Live With Reid And Cathy             Reid: Hello Facebook! It’s Reid Mihalko from https://reidaboutsex.com/. Cathy: And Cathy Vartuli from http://theintimacydojo.com/ Reid: And we’ve got sand castle things going on right behind us. We are in Monterey doing a work weekend. Recuperating from the camp and this […]

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How Do You Keep Your Marketing Heart-Centered? | Facebook Live With Reid And Cathy

How Do You Keep Your Marketing Heart-Centered? | Facebook Live With Reid And Cathy               Reid: Hello Facebook! It’s Reid Mihalko from https://reidaboutsex.com/ and I’m wearing my sex geek summer camp T-shirt so this is business advice but business advice from somebody who will be joining us at this […]

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What Is FC2 (Female Condom)? | Facebook Live With Reid, Matie And Kate

What Is FC2 (Female Condom)? | Facebook Live With Reid, Matie, And Kate           Reid: So we’re trying pursuing Facebook live from an airplane while we’re boarding. I have Kate and Matie from Self Serve toys. Kate: Hi Reid: Hi. In Albuquerque. Matie: Hey. Reid: And we are in Denver. Kate: […]

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Last-Minute Registration Advice | Facebook Live With Cathy And Reid

Last-Minute Registration Advice | Facebook Live With Cathy And Reid           Reid: Hello Facebook! It’s Reid Mihalko from https://reidaboutsex.com/ creator of http://www.sexgeeksummercamp.com/.  And I’m here with Cathy Vartuli, the organizer tricks of sex geek summer camp and also dean of sex geek summer camp grad school. Something new that we’re doing […]

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How Do You React And Present Yourself On Social Media? | Facebook Walk With Reid

How Do You React And Present Yourself On Social Media? | Facebook Walk With Reid       Reid: Hey Facebook it’s Reid from https://reidaboutsex.com/ and I’m wearing one of the out of stock sex geek tank tops that we made a couple of summers ago. So as you’re signing on, let me know if you […]

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Insights Learned From Guelph University Sensuality Conference | Facebook Walk With Reid And Friends

Insights Learned From Guelph University Sensuality Conference | Facebook Walk With Reid And Friends             Reid: Come on in. Cathy: Are you in too? Mandy: I’m coming. Reid: Alright. It’s Facebook live. Mandy, you want to come and be on Facebook live? You can say hi. Guelph University All: Hi. […]

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How Do You Create Publicity When You Can’t Purchase Ads? | Facebook Walk With Reid

How Do You Create Publicity When You Can’t Purchase Ads? | Facebook Walk With Reid        bHello everybody. It is Reid Mihalko from https://reidaboutsex.com/ and I’m at the Oakland Airport today. Let’s see if I can give you the background. I’ll be backlit for a minute while we look at the beautiful, beautiful […]

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When and How Should I Tell My Partner That I Fell In Love With A Poly Person?

When and How Should I Tell My Partner That I Fell In Love With A Poly Person? Cathy: So someone wrote in and said they fell in love with someone who’s already in a poly relationship. They didn’t mean to fall in love, it was not the partnership … Reid: It’s supposed to be casual […]

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I’m Interested In Dating Someone But I Always End Up Running Away, Please Help Me!

I’m Interested In Dating Someone But I Always End Up Running Away, Please Help Me!         Cathy: So someone wrote in and said, “I’m having a hard time dating because I get really messed up when I’m interested into someone. I’m usually okay for the first couple weeks but then, either I […]

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How To Avoid Procrastination On That Great Workshop Idea?

  How To Avoid Procrastination On That Great Workshop Idea? Cathy: Have you ever had a great idea for a workshop but you kept procrastinating and struggling with it maybe because it meant so much to you, you’re afraid you wouldn’t get it right? This is Reid Mihalko from https://reidaboutsex.com/   Reid: Cathy Vartuli from […]

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