How Do I Find Good Polyamorous Dating Sites? | Facebook Walk With Reid

How Do I Find Good Polyamorous Dating Sites? | Facebook Walk With Reid           Reid: Hello Facebook! It’s Reid Mihalko from Today I’ve got my Vassar….Vassar College T-shirt on from whenever I lectured there ….. So questions, where if you went to school or even in a school of hard […]

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Negotiating Successful Threesomes Part 2 | Facebook Walk With Reid

Negotiating Successful Threesomes Part 2 | Facebook Walk With Reid               Reid: Alright Facebook. Hang on. Gonna flip it, it won’t flip. Here you go. Sorry about that. My phone run out of battery. I…I know I should brought a spare battery but it, it faded away. So hopefully, […]

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How Do You Keep Your Marketing Heart-Centered? | Facebook Live With Reid And Cathy

How Do You Keep Your Marketing Heart-Centered? | Facebook Live With Reid And Cathy               Reid: Hello Facebook! It’s Reid Mihalko from and I’m wearing my sex geek summer camp T-shirt so this is business advice but business advice from somebody who will be joining us at this […]

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Ideas To Get Better Around Intimacy and Handling Relationships | Facebook Walk With Reid

Ideas To Get Better Around Intimacy and Handling Relationships | Facebook Walk With Reid         Reid: Hello Facebook! It’s Reid Mihalko from and it is sunny out today and I put my head in the sun. There you go. Can you see me? If you can see me, say hello and […]

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How Do You Deal Heavy Lifting Stuffs in Relationships? | Facebook Walk With Reid

How Do You Deal Heavy Lifting Stuffs in Relationships? | Facebook Walk With Reid           Reid: Hello Facebook! It’s Reid Mihalko from and let’s see….I’m going to walk this way. I’m at the beach. I wasn’t planning on Facebook living so I don’t have my selfie stick so I’m sorry. […]

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How Do You Handle Giving Bad Advice As Sex Educator? | Facebook Walk With Reid And Allison

How Do You Handle Giving Bad Advice As Sex Educator? | Facebook Walk With Reid And Allison          Reid: Hello Facebook! Ah! Hang on. There you go. We want the bridge in the background. There we go hello Facebook! It is Reid Mihalko from Allison: And Allison Moon from Reid: […]

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What Is FC2 (Female Condom)? | Facebook Live With Reid, Matie And Kate

What Is FC2 (Female Condom)? | Facebook Live With Reid, Matie, And Kate           Reid: So we’re trying pursuing Facebook live from an airplane while we’re boarding. I have Kate and Matie from Self Serve toys. Kate: Hi Reid: Hi. In Albuquerque. Matie: Hey. Reid: And we are in Denver. Kate: […]

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Reframing Love As Support and Self-care Rather Than Sacrifice | Facebook Walk With Reid

Reframing Love As Support and Self-care Rather Than Sacrifice | Facebook Walk With Reid           Reid: Hello Facebook it’s Reid Mihalko from and my hair is horrible today because I wasn’t able to get my hair wet today because I really hit my head hard and bad and kind of […]

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How Do You Ask Permission To Flirt And To Have Sexual Freedom? | Facebook Walk With Reid

How Do You Ask Permission To Flirt And To Have Sexual Freedom? | Facebook Walk With Reid         Reid: Hello Facebook it’s Reid Mihalko from and happy 4th of July! If you celebrate such things. I am doing a quick store run to get some beer for Allison Moon and myself […]

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Portland Protest 2020 Resources

In lieu of all that has been going on in Portland and in other parts of the U.S. in regards to the #BlackLivesMatter movement, here are a collection of links and resources that I have found personally helpful as I inform myself on ways I can contribute. I hope these links and ideas/resources contained in […]

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