How NOT Homophobic Am I?

How NOT Homophobic Am I? America’s favorite sex geek, Reid Mihalko of, jumps out of a birthday cake and strips, reveals his stripper name from back in his college days (hint: It’s a famous comic book character), and shares the story of how he discovered just HOW not homophobic he is… Happy Birthday to […]

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How Do You Find Business Partners to Co-Create With Or To Promote Your Products?

Want Joint Venture partners who help you reach more people or create products with? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Reid:    She just said I rock, by the way, before this video started. Cathy: No, I never said that. I don’t know what… Reid:    Lying! Cathy: (Laughs) Yes. Reid:    Liar! Cathy: […]

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Stories About Jealousy In Polyamorous Relationships

What are some examples of jealousy in polyamorous relationships? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: Someone wrote in and asked about jealousy in a polyamorous relationship and was asking if we had some stories we could share that would help bring it down to a real level, like a more […]

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Someone Flirting With Your Boyfriend…. And Gossiping About You?

What do you do if someone flirts with your boyfriend, then says bad things about you behind your back? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Reid: We had a writer write in. Cathy: Yes. Reid: We love it when you write in. Cathy: Yes. Reid: Because it gives us things to […]

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Is There A Way Back From The Brink In Your Relationship?

Is your relationship worth saving? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from     Cathy: Someone wrote in and said, is there a way back from the brink? How can you assess a relationship and tell if it can be made to flourish again? Reid: The brink of destruction? Cathy: Or ending. […]

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How Do You Know Who To Share With?

Starting to share more and open up, and feeling judged by those close to you? What can you do? How do you know if someone has the bandwidth to listen? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: We just answered a question about someone who’d shared vulnerably and been judged by […]

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What If Your Boyfriend Is Charming and You’re Jealous?

If people are pulling on your partner who is charming, and you’re jealous, what do you do? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Reid:    One of you amazing viewers just wrote in. Cathy: She wrote in and said that, there’s been some jealousy and people that are kind of pulling at […]

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What Do You Do When Your Child Questions Their Gender?

How do you support your son or daughter when they question their sexuality? How can you be a loving parent? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: Someone wrote in and said, and this was a really loving letter, they said that their child is in college, first year of college, […]

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How To Use An Internal (Female) Condom…..

How do you use a female or internal condom? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from   Reid: Bring! Bring! Hello? Oh yes, you have a question about putting on internal condoms or what  used to be called female condoms? Hang on! We’ll shoot that video. Cathy Vartuli from it’s for […]

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How Can A 55 Year Old Woman Have A Great Sex Life?

What can you do to help build connection and have a blast no matter what your age? If you want a bunch of lovers? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Reid:    I’m going to start reading it and then start the video? Cathy: Yeah. You’re so helpful, thank you. Someone wrote […]

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