
Celebrating Birthdays, Embracing Boldness, and Walking Towards Authenticity

Would you do me a favor, SexGeek? It’s my birthday weekend and I want to extend a unique invitation to YOU—one that turns the tradition of birthday wishes on its head. You see, as the birthday boy, I’m using my special day as an excuse for YOU to ask for what YOU want. Consider it a […]

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Why Is It So Hard To Deal With Shame Around Sexuality?

Why Is It So Hard To Deal With Shame Around Sexuality?               Reid: C’mon… Hello it’s Reid Mihalko from  and we have a special guest star today. Amy: Hello. Reid: It’s Amy Jo Goddard. What…what’s your website URL? Amy: Reid: and I’m wearing one of AJ’s […]

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I Had Sex Before The Age of Consent… How Do I Reconcile Shame?

I Had Sex Before The Age of Consent… How Do I Reconcile Shame?           Find out more with Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from   Cathy: Someone wrote in and said, “Hey Reid, I’ve been following you for several months now and I think your outlook on sex […]

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What Are Shame Hangovers and How Do You Deal One? | Facebook Walk With Reid

What Are Shame Hangovers and How Do You Deal One? | Facebook Walk With Reid             Reid: Hello Facebook! It’s Reid Mihalko from broadcasting live from Intimacy Fest.  I’m going to try to be as kind as I can and intentional because I’m actually nude right now. But we […]

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Shame, Perfectionism, and Redemption How Community Clean Things, Restore Justice, and Heal #cconheal

Shame, Perfectionism, and Redemption How Community Clean Things, Restore Justice, and Heal #cconheal       Cathy: To overcoming shame and perfectionist….perfectionism in the sex positive community, we want to promote a culture that enhances intimacy growth in community. I’m really glad you’re here today, I think this is a very difficult topic but we’re […]

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Are You Clean or Clear When Your STI Test Comes Back Negative?

Some people us the word “clean” when their STI or STD test results come back negative… Is there an upgrade? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Reid: Hey Cathy, I just got tested and I’m clean. How about you?  Cathy: Reid, I love that you got tested, and you’re clean whether […]

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Sabotaged Yourself And Now Stuck In A Shame Spiral? What Do You Do?

Feel like you ruined everything? How can you get out of the negative loop? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: What do you do when you self-sabotage something that you really wanted to do, and now you’re kind of falling in a shame spiral? This is Reid Mihalko from  […]

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Feeling Shamed About Sex-Positive Business and Wanting To Meet More Peers?

Sex Workers and Sex-positive business people can sometimes be shamed about their work, and meeting with peers can help support you. How do you meet them? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: Are you going to do the business thing?  Reid: Yah I’m going to do the business thing cause […]

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If You Have HSV1 (Herpes) How Do You Know When You Can Kiss Again?

When is it safe to kiss people if you have herpes? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: Someone wrote in and said, “If you have HSV-1 or Herpes 1, how do you know when to kiss again?” That’s really a pointy question. If you found out and diagnosed with something, […]

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How Does Shame Effect Your Ability To Share and Open Up?

Want your partner to change and think shame might help? Will it improve your relationship? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: So Reid and I were just listening to Brene Brown talking about shame and I thought there was really interesting too bit that I wanted to share and talk […]

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