Open Relationships

Reid visits the Intimate Breath Podcast and we discuss ethical sluttiness and dating your species…”Can I flirt with you?”

Reid visits the Intimate Breath Podcast and discusses ethical sluttiness, dating your species, and asks host Lore Blancke, “Can I flirt with you?” Listen to the podcast episode here: The Intimate Breath Podcast website: Spotify: From Lore: In this playful episode, I sit down with Reid Mihalko, a sex and relationship coach. As we […]

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Somebody Said, “It’s Okay To Fall In Love With My Partner”…How Can I Prove That It’s True?

Somebody Said, “It’s Okay To Fall In Love With My Partner”…How Can I Prove That It’s True?         Reid: Hello everyone it’s Reid Mihalko from and you get in the bed head this morning. This is the first dunk in the hot tub and we have a…a…somebody wrote in with an […]

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Opened Your Relationship and Dealing With Guilt…

What do you do if you opened your relationship and you have some guilt? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Reid: Hallo ladies and gentlemen, I am a giant and this is Cathy Vartuli, the little lady that sits on my shoulder. Come on up Cathy, what are we talking about […]

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Navigating Open Relationships with Reid Mihalko Propositions Baltimore August 12th

Opening up any relationship takes skill, patience and perseverance. Mistakes will be made. But why make any more than you have to? Dating several people at once, and want to learn how to do it with panache? You’ve heard about polyamory and swinging, but still can’t figure out how it works, why anyone would choose […]

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Consider Opening Up Your Relationship? How Do You Talk To Your Partner?

Want to talk to your partner about opening up your relationship? How do you bring up the subject? Join relationship expert Reid Mihalko from and  Cathy Vartuli from as they share ideas and resources for talking about polyamory and open relationships. Cathy: Have you been thinking about opening up your relationship? Are you […]

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What To Do When Your Partner Is Depressed

When your partner is going through a tough time, your relationship can be stressed and strained. Join Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from as they share ideas and suggestions. Cathy: We have another comment from someone asking for help. Reid: Okay. Cathy:  His wife is going through some family stuff, and she’s been really depressed. […]

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Doing Things In Bed That You Don’t Want to Do

With Cathy Vartuli from and Reid Mihalko from Cathy: We had someone write in to us and say that their partner is wanting them to try things in bed that they don’t really know they want to try. They’re not really sure and … Reid: Like eating cookies in bed? Cathy: Yeah. I’m sure that […]

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Stuck in the Friend Zone

Stuck in the Friend Zone? Join Cathy Vartuli from and Reid Mihalko from Cathy: Some people end up being friends with everyone they’re interested with romantically. It doesn’t ever quite transition to romantic. They end up being buddies. That can be really frustrating. Reid: The friend zone. Cathy: Yes. It can be very frustrating.  What […]

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Reid puts the “Us” in Anal August with “Tickling the ‘Taint and Beyond” at LA’s The Pleasure Chest, August 8th!

It taint penis or pussy, and it taint ass… And prostate is the new G-Spot! It’s Anal August here at the Pleasure Chest, and we’re calling in one of our geekiest Sex Geeks, relationship expert Reid Mihalko of, to shed some light and slather some lube on two “untapped” pleasure resources: the not-spoken-enough-about Perineum […]

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Plays Well With Others: Negotiating Relationship Boundaries and Agreements for Group Sexploration! tickles LA July 13th!

Knowing where to draw the line together and how to talk about it can save you both a ton of headache the next day! Navigating group sexual dynamics in any relationship takes skill, patience and a little bit of luck. If “luck” is where opportunity and preparation meet, then learning how to negotiate sound relationship […]

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