
Three Ways (not 3ways) to Warm Your Heart Strings This Valentine’s 💗

Happy Friday Sex Geek! With just a week until Valentine’s Day, I wanted to share some opportunities to really warm your hearts and make you feel confident that you can be loved for YOU — who you are and how you want to live and love in your life… May these three recommendations be worthy of your awesomeness […]

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Transitioning From A Polyamorous Lifestyle To A Monogamous Relationship

Transitioning From A Polyamorous Lifestyle To A Monogamous Relationship               Cathy: Someone wrote in and said, “I would love to hear Reid’s thoughts about transitioning from a poly lifestyle to entering a monogamous relationship.” This is Reid Mihalko from Reid: This is Cathy Vartuli from and hear […]

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How Do I Transition from A Polygamous to A Monogamous Relationship?

How Do I Transition from A Polygamous to A Monogamous Relationship? Cathy: Someone wrote in and said, I would love to hear Reid’s thoughts about transitioning from a poly lifestyle to entering a monogamous relationship. This is Reid Mihalko from Reid: This is Cathy Vartuli from and hear my thoughts. Can you hear […]

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Should You Learn How To Make Your Partner “Completely Monogamous”?

Lots of programs promise to teach you how to make your partner completely loyal and monogamous, should you take them? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: We have a lot of solicitation on our sight sometimes. Reid: Oh really? Cathy: And someone… Reid: Oooh… Cathy: Various different things. But this […]

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Not Sure If You’re Non-monogamous or Have Intimacy Issues?

Are you a monogamous person with intimacy issues or poly? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Reid: Do you ever feel like you’ll never fall in love, that you might be broken?  Cathy: That’s a really scary feeling.  Reid: We had a question, some of you awesome folks and you’re writing […]

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Are You Poly or Monogamous In Your Business Relationship…

How do you do sex-positive business? With Reid Mihalko from and and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: Are you poly or monogamous in your business relationships? Reid: What? Business conversation. Sex Geek Summer Camp T-shirt means business conversations for sex educators. This is Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: This is Reid Mihalko from […]

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