The Great N.E. Sacred Sexuality Round-Up Presenter Schedule… Subject to change, of course, but here’s the who’s who and when’s when for the weekend! Hope to see you there… Friday , Sept 25th 8:10-11:00 pm The Sacred Sexuality Symposium Saturday, Sept 26th 10:00-10:40am Patrick Russel 10:50-11:30am Tracy Elise 11:40a-12:20pm Kyle Applegate 12:30-1:10pm Valerie Green 1:20-2:00pm […]
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Interview with Reid Mihalko on Laurie Handler’s Tantra Cafe The Future of Sex Positive Dating & Relating! – Finding, Starting and Sustaining Romantic and Sexual Relationships For The Spiritually Minded In this humorous and informative interview, Laurie Handlers and I will be sharing our views and personal experiences on dating and sustaining relationships when your heart […]
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