And The Winners Are… At Sex Geek Summer Camp , the only 5 day sleep away business retreat for sex educators, we encourage attendees to anchor new ideas, foster teamwork skills, network, and get better at teaching and building a brand/reputation. Why? So sex educators can transform more lives while making a better living and having more […]
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Thank you, Good Clean Love for being proud sponsors of Sex Geek Summer Camp 2016. Check out http://GoodCleanLove.com, http://MakingLoveSustainable.com, and http://SexGeekSummerCamp.com. Reid: Hello everybody! It is Reid Mihalko from http://www.ReidAboutSex.com/ creator of http://www.SexGeekSummercamp.com/ and I am so proud and honored to have Wendy Strgar from http://www.GoodCleanLove.com/ which is one of my favorite lubes. I […]
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