
What Is a Polycule?

What Is a Polycule?       Cathy: How you ever wondered what a polycule is? This is Reid Mihalko from Reid: This is Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: And Reid, what is a polycule? Reid: You’re the scientist with a 19 patents and a PH.D what’s a cule? Cathy: I assure you they […]

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My Friend Is Young and Dating an Older Man And I’m Freaking Out! What Should I do?

My Friend Is Young and Dating an Older Man And I’m Freaking Out! What Should I do?     Cathy: So, someone wrote in and said, “Hi Reid! I’m feeling super shy for emailing you but I really enjoy your videos with Cathy Vartuli and I wanted to ask some advice, if that’s okay. So, […]

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Can A Fag and A Fattie Teach Me Anything About Sex?

Can A Fag and A Fattie Teach Me Anything About Sex?             Cathy: Someone wrote in and said, Okay, here it goes when I stared watching a couple of your videos the first thing I thought was what can a fag and a fattie teach me anyway? Very quickly the […]

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What To Do When I Get Turned On…I Feel Less Deserving For Pleasure?

What To Do When I Get Turned On…I Feel Less Deserving For Pleasure?           Is it okay to have a lot of pleasure? Find out with Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from   Cathy:  We had another intrepid viewer write in and say “I noticed that sometimes when […]

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INCEL (Involuntarily Celebrate): What Can You Do?

INCEL (Involuntarily Celebrate): What Can You Do?       Cathy: Someone wrote in about our video about Incel and involuntarily celibate people and he very articulately and thoughtfully explain that we didn’t know what we’re talking about and that he went into a longer post with a blog attached and we want to talk […]

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How Do You Handle Dating in Relationships Post Election?

How Do You Handle Dating in Relationships Post Election?         Cathy: Have you wondered how they handle in relationships post election? This is Reid Mihalko from Cathy: Have you wondered how they handle in relationships post election? This is Reid Mihalko from Reid: Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: And someone […]

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When You’re Doing Energetic Sex, Is It Going To Be Different Depending On Different People?

When You’re Doing Energetic Sex, Is It Going To Be Different Depending On Different People?     Cathy: Have you ever wondered about energetic sex Part II. This is Reid Mihalko from Reid: Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: And someone purchased Reid’s program on energetic sex which is very good and our VA […]

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What Is Energetic Sex?

What Is Energetic Sex?             Cathy: Have you ever wondered about energetic sex? This is Reid Mihalko from Reid: This is Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: Someone wrote in a brilliant question, they just purchased your energetic sex program a video and I want to ask you some questions. […]

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Meta of 2 People Doing Facebook Live…

Meta of 2 People Doing Facebook Live…       Cathy: So, we’re going to be really meta and do a Facebook live of 2 people onto 2 different phones. You can do it all over the world. Reid: Cutting at technology, folks. It just came out a little while ago. We just want to […]

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Can You Break Someone’s Penis?

Can You Break Someone’s Penis?         Cathy: Have you ever wondered if you can break his penis? Or the person you’re playing his penis? Reid: Ouch. Cathy: This is Reid Mihalko from Reid: Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: And someone asked us is it possible to break someone’s penis? Reid: The […]

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