Bawdy Storytelling

Bawdy Storytelling Hits San Diego 2/25 – Come Get BAWDY!!!

  Dixie De La Tour and Bawdy Storytelling – the Nation’s premier sexy, smutty, smart salon – have been hard at it for FIVE YEARS! And to celebrate we are going on tour – and San Diego will never be the same! This ONE NIGHT ONLY storytelling event features true life stories told in no-holds-barred […]

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Reid appearing at “5 Hard(core) Years of Bawdy” Feb 18th, San Francisco!

Five years, six storytellers, ten minutes, and 69-things you can’t unhear! Bawdy Storytelling is celebrating their Fifth Anniversary – Congratulations Dixie!  To celebrate they are throwing a “Best of Bawdy” show and you are invited to join us. Save $5 by buying your ticket in advance here. WHEN:  Saturday February 18, 2012     Doors open at […]

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[Video] Sexual Superhero Recommendations for Burning Man!

With great power comes great responsibility… Radical responsibility! The Burning Man Arts Festival in Black Rock City, Nevada, is host to some of the most free-spirited, artsy, and sex-positive people on the planet, as well as extreme partying conditions! Daytime temps on the Playa regularly exceed 100 degrees; 20-70 mph, white-out condition dust storms are […]

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My Bawdy, Myself.

Are you there, Bawdy? It’s me, Reid… Talk dirty to me! To my dear friends and sex geeks, For many people, talking about sex and intimacy feels like going to the dentist. I spend a lot of time combining communication skill sets, humor and accurate sexual health information when I teach or lecture to role […]

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Reid headlining the first ever East Bay Bawdy Storytelling, April 7th!

Sex in the Unlikeliest Places is the theme… Where did Reid do it? It’s Bawdy’s FIRST East Bay show, y’all – & Oakland certainly seems to fit our theme, ‘The Unlikeliest Places’: Ever have that moment in bed where you try to remember where your pants are, where the handcuff key is, and why your […]

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