Powerful Women in Relationships And Those Who Love ‘Em!

by Reid on September 19, 2008

“Where is he?” and “How do I keep her happy?” are the most common questions I get about relationships today!

All the time, at conferences, at social events, and in emails, powerful women find out that I do sex and relationship education and eventually ask me, “Where are all the great men who can stand up to me and be my equal in a relationship???” And, just as often, the men (and lesbians) who are in love with these powerful, amazing women, after they find out what I do for a living, plead with me, “Dude, how do I make her happy?!”

Something is happening out there in the world of powerful, grounded women and those who love ’em!

I think something’s happening that’s never been there before, or at least wasn’t there for our parents and our grandparents. So, the big questions are: What’s happening and What can we do about it? Well, sex and relationship specialist and friend LiYana Silver and I got to talking. We started comparing notes on what she and I have been experiencing out in the trenches of relationship hell. The result of that conversation was this 2-call teleseminar!

What people have to say about Call 1:

Several nuggets really stuck with me from this call. One of them was when you were going through the “tool bag” of empowerment for women and you said “Being right with yourself” and making sure you are “Sensually satisfied” as a women. And I saw how, when I’m not in a relationship with a man, how I will deny myself sensual satisfaction… It triggered a lot of thoughts for me about how I fall away from self-care for myself when I don’t have a partner to share that with.


$27 for Both Calls!

In this downloadable, 2-call series, LiYana and I dive deep into answering…

  • With radiant and powerful women emerging everywhere, where are the men to match them?
  • How can women be strong, independent and expressed and also leave some room for the guys?
  • How can men become more powerful, potent and magnetic through their support of women?

I hope you find it as valuable as the callers who joined us when we recorded this series!

Call 1: Powerful Women in Partnership

Reid interviews Liyana Silver about ways powerful women can balance their partnerships and love relationships and still embrace the masculine and the feminine within themselves. How to attract men who can actually meet you where you are in your journey. And how you can have a juicier, more intimate, fulfilling love live!

Call 2: I’m In Love with a Powerful Woman. Now What?

LiYana has a no-holds-barred, candid conversation with Reid Mihalko on how to hold space and love powerful women in a culture with few role models. Yep, Reid’s gonna talk openly about how he attracts powerful women and how you can too, AND keep them glowing and you feeling great!

Join Reid Mihalko and LiYana Silver by downloading and listening to both of these calls as they delve into the phenomenon of strong, powerful women, the relationships they are having (or not having), and the men who love them. Particular attention will be spent on how to handle the frustrations that can show up and how best to navigate the shifting interpersonal dynamics and power dynamics of today’s relationship high seas! These two podcasts are great for men and women, and listen in as callers ask their own personal questions and receive expert advice!

Only $27 for Both Calls! 100% 30-Day, Money-Back Guarantee!

Read the Expert Bios for Reid and LiYana!

Another testimonial…

LiYana and Reid, I want to thank you for this offering of wisdom that you’ve gleamed from your life experiences and work. It was all very helpful to hear even if I knew it but framed it differently.
It especially fed me to hear “Powerful women do not feel powerful because they do not get affirmed by the men or anyone else in their lives”. That has been so incredibly painfully true to me.The last two relationships I had were with men who were afraid of and even angry at giving any kind of reassurance. It had a devastating affect on me and I acted from that place of pain in ways that I am uncomfortable with. It was an old childhood pattern reemerging.
I just broke through on some very amazing insights this past week around it and then got your email about your teleconference. Awesome timing. I am extremely grateful to start breaking up and shifting this pattern.
It was so good to hear your feedback, Reid, in regards to Manspeak and how men can EXPERIENCE feedback as criticism. Great, great, great info. And LiYana, its so true about holding back from saying anything, I’d been confused by men when they drop intense emotional nuggets in casual conversations and now I have a context for it. I pause a great deal to check in with myself and make room for the energy to flow. They were expressing pain in these unexpected moments because they did not have room anywhere else! And than they’d go back to casual conversation. Wild.
Thanks again, I look forward to hearing more!

~Margo, New York City

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