One Online Class. $1423 In Ticket Sales. 61 NEW Customers! Here’s how I did it…
A quick post just for you Sex Geek!
Here’s my take on how —with less than 3 hours work— I taught a 90-min, Zoom class for a new’ish dating App that yielded me 61 new, paying fans… over 100 people signing up for my freemiums… put $711 into my bank account… and got me invited back to teach two more workshops on different topics!
[The GIF & social media post below was created by the organization that hired me to teach and promoted across their social media channels — I didn’t have to lift a finger to make that happen (other than teach my workshop)… Cool, right?!]

How YOU Might Make Something Similar Happen For Your Career
Ask yourself… What would it feel like to…
- Make $700 for less than 3 hours work?
- Bring in 5 DOZEN, NEW, paying clients who might be willing to…
- Hire you for coaching,
- Pay to attend your future workshops & events,
- And recommend your work to their friends and loved ones?
Would you enjoy…
- Getting your work promoted to thousands of people who haven’t heard of you yet?
- AND getting paid to do MORE of what you LOVE: Helping people have healthier, more fulfilling sex & relationships?
The workshop that I’ll be talking about is Dating Your Species, which I was invited to teach last month for the amazing folks behind the Bloom Community App. They promoted my class to their App members, email list, and on their social media while I also promoted the class to my list and social media fans & followers.
After the class wrapped, besides promoting the success of the workshop to their fans and followers who missed the call (See GIF above)… I got an email from them asking for my W-9 and bank routing # so I could get paid (We split the ticket revenue, BTW, so we each made some money). In that email they also let me know that my class was their 5th best-selling workshop of all time and had the MOST number of “OMG! I feel so seen!” comments in the workshop Zoom chat.
The lovely folks at Bloom were so psyched with how well the class went that they immediately invited me back and booked me for two more workshops — my Negotiating Successful Threesomes workshop and Battling the 8-Armed Octopus of Jealousy.
All said, the total time it took for me — 90-min class + promotions + sending them the workshop copy and my bio (already written btw)… I worked less than 3 hours total.
The other fun thing was that their social media department created all the promotional images for the workshops, which was fun for me to see someone else’s creative hand at work! (And it was nice that I didn’t have to pay anyone to make the promo materials — BONUS!)
How Did I Book The Gig?
(And How Might You Do Something Similar…)
Here are some simple steps that I believe contributed to me booking the gig AND getting rebooked… I’m wording them so that, when you read them, they’ll feel like they apply to you and your career…
Step 1: Build a Reputation as a Workshop Facilitator/Educator That Gets You Invited To Teach For Other People’s/Organization’s Communities
Step 2: Be a Kick-Ass, Engaging & Inspiring Teacher Who Transforms People’s Lives By Giving Kick-Ass, Engaging & Inspiring Classes
Step 3: In Your Social Media, Be Engaging, Authentic, and Educational To Your Fans & Followers, and Promote High-Quality Things (i.e., Don’t Waste Your Fans & Followers’ Precious Time — Make Them Laugh, Make Them Learn, & DO NOT Recommend Crap To Them)
Step 4: Make Working With You a Pleasure & Provide Extraordinary Customer Service To Your Attendees (So Everyone Wants To Have You Back!)
Step 5: Make The Person Who Invited/Hired You Look GREAT For Their Boss (THIS Definitely Gets You Invited Back!)

The 5 steps above are similar for getting you invited to teach at festivals, conferences, and retreats.
As for being invited to teach online workshops like the ones I’m doing for Bloom…
- Being able to “give great Zoom” is a REALLY helpful skill and it can be learned and honed (See my Virtual Conservatory if you’re interested in that. You can purchase the class recordings and still get all the bonuses!).
- Creating engaging copy for your online workshops and great social media content & promotions is the same as doing it for LIVE in-person events… And these are the things organizations & event promoters LOVE SEEING because it means YOU can help cross-promote their offerings to your fans & followers in ways that make them shine! (And THESE SKILLS can also be learned – and AI can help make it easier than ever! Check out Copywriting with AI Deep Dive!)
- Making sure your workshops are designed in ways that really help your attendees go home with applicable tools and concepts… When you leave someone else’s fans & customers raving about how much they learned… When someone else’s customers are asking that they bring YOU back to teach again… That’s when you know you’re kicking ass and truly helping people! (And THAT is the kind of reputation that not only gets you more fans and clients, but has business owners of Apps like Bloom telling other business owners that they should seek you out and invite you to teach!)
- Lastly, having copy/paste teacher bios, workshop copy, promotional photos & your W-9 all waiting in the Cloud with links you can send to their social media & accounting departments… These things make you look like the super professional & kick-ass speaker/teacher that you are! (See Speakers Kit if you want/need to build that stuff out, BTW)
If you’re curious about watching me teach check out my calendar and make sure you follow my social media (links below). I’d love to see you at a future event!
Perhaps, while you’re watching a class, you can see me doing some or all of the 5 Steps I mentioned here in this email.
Do me a favor and leave a comment and let me know what you found useful in this email. I can’t always reply to every comment but I do read them all and I’d love to hear from you, Sex Geek.
Yours in building a career and making a living,
Follow Reid on the Socials
Never miss an opportunity to giggle, step up your skills, or connect with like-minded sex geeks around the world!