Design Studio
Ok, Workshop Leaders!… Are You Ready To Network, Anchor, and Win Fabulous Prizes??!
Announcing: 2 Contests Just For YOU! (Yup, there are TWO contests listed below!)
Contest #1: It’s the Sex Geek Design Studio Facebook LIVE VIDEO CONTEST
Anchor your new skills and test drive your new ideas! (One great way to bond with your fellow Workshop Leaders is to ask them if they want to do a video with you, and, if they say yes, follow through and shoot it!).
Contest Rules
- Videos must be submitted by end of Design Studio.
- Videos must be between at least 1 minute in length.
You must mention Sex Geek Design Studio and SexGeekDesignStudio.com at the beginning.
Your allowed to go Live ONLY during breaks or lunch – Live broadcasts of Reid or others teaching the actual event will not count.
Share what you’re learning at Design Studio.
You can include multiple people in the broadcast but prize awarded only to the FB account it’s broadcast from.
You can submit as many videos as you like! Each video increases your chances of winning; however, they must be different videos.
- If you are shy or don’t feel comfortable, you can also interview someone on video about the event and submit that!
- Send us an email with “Design Studio Video Contest” in the subject line to Support@ReidAboutSex.com with the link(s) to your Facebook posted video.
- Contest Deadline: Videos must be uploaded by 6pm Pacific on Friday, September 15th, along with emailed links.
And don’t forget to say who you are, and what your business is! You deserve the recognition, too!
What Will Happen If I Submit a Video?
- As long as we can grab your video or link, it will be included on a webpage on ReidAboutSex.com and I will announce the Video contest with the link to that page to my list.
- I will choose the winning videos based on merit, (at least one award will be reserved for someone(s) who are relatively new to making video!)
The Prizes/Categories Are:
1st Prize
Gold Workshop Advisory Pack– Send me your workshop proposal and I’ll review and jump on Skype with you to help you upgrade it. And I’ll give you recommendations on where you might submit to present your workship. If its a good fit… I may even recommend you to folks who are looking for workshops at their events.*
2nd Prize
Free upgrade Camp Lodging for Sex Geek Summer Camp 2018!
Contest #2: It’s the Sex Geek Design Studio’s Video/Blog/Live Teacher’s Contest
Contest Rules
You must mention Sex Geek Design Studio and SexGeekDesignStudio.com in the beginning few minutes.
Content needs to be of an educational nature, meaning, that even if you’re just “sharing” your experience or giving a testimonial, TEACH YOUR AUDIENCE SOMETHING THAT YOU LEARNED rather than just say/regurgitate “I learned X, Y, Z.”
Facebook Live videos count toward this contest and may be uploaded on other social media platforms, which will count as separate entries. (That means your videos from Contest 1 count!)
Entries may be video, written, audio in nature. Info graphics and voiced over powerpoint presentations, etc., can count as well.
Must be posted and shared on social media.
Links emailed to Support@ReidAboutSex.com – Design Studio Contest in subject line.
Submissions must be over 1 min long and can be as long as you’d like.* (*Info graphics need to be more than a circle with text in it. LOL)
Requirements for group content to be eligible for each person in group (but prizes are awarded per video, not per person in groups):– Content containing more than 1 person must have everyone involved actually sharing information/teaching something– Group content must be uploaded on individual person’s account for it to count as an entry by that person.– Camera people or video/sound editors not eligible unless they share information/teach, too – so be sure to work them into the submission somehow!
Points awarded per submission. Points also awarded for participant role modeling the principles of Design Studio.
Winners picked by Reid
Your allowed to go Live ONLY during breaks or lunch – Live broadcasts of Reid or others teaching the actual event will not count.
You can submit as many enteries as you like! Each video, blog, audio increases your chances of winning; however, they must be different material.
If you are shy or don’t feel comfortable, you can also interview someone on video about the event and submit that!
Send us an email with “Design Studio Video Contest 2” in the subject line to Support@ReidAboutSex.com with the link(s) to your Facebook posted video.
Contest Deadline: Videos must be uploaded by midnight Pacific on September 20th, 2018, along with emailed links.
And don’t forget to say who you are, and what your business is! You deserve the recognition, too!
What Will Happen If I Submit a Video?
- As long as we can grab your video or link, it will be included on a webpage on ReidAboutSex.com and I will announce the Video contest with the link to that page to my list.
- I will choose the winning videos based on merit, (at least one award will be reserved for someone(s) who are relatively new to making video!)
The Prizes/Categories Are:
1st Prize
Platinum Workshop Advisory Pack– I’ll brainstorm Workshop ideas with you. Then, send me your workshop proposal and I’ll review and jump on Skype with you to help you upgrade it. And I’ll give you recommendations on where you might submit your workshop proposal. If its a good fit… I may even recommend you to folks looking for workshops for their events.*
2nd Prize
Gold Workshop Advisory Pack– Send me your workshop proposal and I’ll review and jump on Skype with you to help you upgrade it. And I’ll give you recommendations on where you might submit your workshop proposal. If its a good fit… I may even recommend you to folks looking for workshops for their events.*
3rd Prize
Free upgrade Camp Lodging for Sex Geek Summer Camp 2018!
Best Newbie Award Category
For beginners/those just starting out who’ve never shot a video or haven’t shot many… A one hour mentoring session!*
Good luck, Workshop Leaders!
** Skype/Phone/mentoring consults with Reid must be used within 3 months.
By submitting your video, you give Reid, and ReidAboutSex, permission to share your video far and wide, and shower you with all the recognition we can!