
Three Ways (not 3ways) to Warm Your Heart Strings This Valentine’s 💗

Happy Friday Sex Geek! With just a week until Valentine’s Day, I wanted to share some opportunities to really warm your hearts and make you feel confident that you can be loved for YOU — who you are and how you want to live and love in your life… May these three recommendations be worthy of your awesomeness […]

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Reid visits the Nope! We’re Not Monogamous Podcast to talk about The Art of Ethical Hookups: Elevating Casual Encounters

Reid visits the Nope! We’re Not Monogamous Podcast to talk about The Art of Ethical Hookups: Elevating Casual Encounters Ever wondered how sex educators navigate their own intimate encounters? In this candid and eye-opening episode, I sit down with renowned sex and relationship educator Reid Mihalko for an intimate conversation about the intricacies of communication, […]

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Podcast Listen: Reid reunites with Esther Perel, Diane Adams, and more on Where Should We Begin

Have you heard of Esther Perel? If not, ohhhhhhh, are you in for a delightful surprise! And if you have, then you already know how brilliant this New York Times bestselling author of The State of Affairs and Mating in Captivity is! And she’s even MORE scintillating and insightful in person when you get her geeking out about relationships and […]

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Free Jealousy and Polyamory Resources? 👀 Look Here!

Just in case you heard me talking about jealousy on Esther Perel’s Where Shall We Begin podcast, I thought it might be helpful to put my Jealousy Map and Polyamory Resource links where you could easily find them… Enjoy! Get Your FREE Jealousy Map! Did you know that jealousy is an octopus with 8 arms?  Each […]

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The Venn Diagram of Compatability and Why Is It Important?

What Is The Venn Diagram of Compatability and Why Is It Important? The Venn Diagram of Compatability (A.K.A. The Venn Diagram of “Is This Even a Good Idea?”) consists of four circles that Misha Bonaventura and I created. We suggest folks seeking to date or hook up take a peek at the four circles BEFORE […]

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Transitioning From A Polyamorous Lifestyle To A Monogamous Relationship

Transitioning From A Polyamorous Lifestyle To A Monogamous Relationship               Cathy: Someone wrote in and said, “I would love to hear Reid’s thoughts about transitioning from a poly lifestyle to entering a monogamous relationship.” This is Reid Mihalko from https://www.ReidAboutSex.com/. Reid: This is Cathy Vartuli from https://TheIntimacyDojo.com/ and hear […]

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How Do I Transition from A Polygamous to A Monogamous Relationship?

How Do I Transition from A Polygamous to A Monogamous Relationship? Cathy: Someone wrote in and said, I would love to hear Reid’s thoughts about transitioning from a poly lifestyle to entering a monogamous relationship. This is Reid Mihalko from https://www.ReidAboutSex.com/. Reid: This is Cathy Vartuli from https://TheIntimacyDojo.com/ and hear my thoughts. Can you hear […]

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Somebody Said, “It’s Okay To Fall In Love With My Partner”…How Can I Prove That It’s True?

Somebody Said, “It’s Okay To Fall In Love With My Partner”…How Can I Prove That It’s True?         Reid: Hello everyone it’s Reid Mihalko from https://reidaboutsex.com/ and you get in the bed head this morning. This is the first dunk in the hot tub and we have a…a…somebody wrote in with an […]

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Privacy When Poly…How Do I Set Boundaries With Other Partners?

Privacy When Poly…How Do I Set Boundaries With Other Partners?           Find out more with Reid Mihalko from http://www.ReidAboutSex.com and Cathy Vartuli from http://www.TheIntimacyDojo.com. Cathy: Someone wrote in and said, “Do you have any tips for handling scheduling and maintaining privacy of dates and avoiding anxious jealous interrogation from other partners? […]

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Where Is The Line Between Swinging And Polyamory?

Where Is The Line Between Swinging And Polyamory?         Cathy: Someone wrote it and said, “I’ve been listening to some of your fabulous podcast, they had polyamory and it has sent me thinking about what my personal situation is and where does swinging become polyamory? I expected it that it would be […]

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