
Navigating Emotional Distress And Also Being A Better Communicator

Awesome Relationships 101 Today I am going to teach you how to navigate emotional distress and also be a better communicator so you can have new ease and connection in your relationships. In the last article we talked about: – How you can create more romance for your partner, – How you can transform their […]

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Wineglasses can make you a better lover… Really?

This is really cool and can take your physical intimacy to a whole new level! And you’ll never look at a wineglass the same way again! Play along and then try it out… I’d love to hear how it works for you! The Wine Glass Analogy: Imagine that you have a wineglass in front of you. Have you ever tried […]

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How To Make Your Partner Feel More Romanced:

Would you like simple ways to create more romance quickly and easily? The secret is in figuring out who is a cat and who is a dog… Here are my top techniques for helping your partner(s) feel loved and appreciated! Romance Is NOT About Gender A lot of people think of romance as a guy/girl […]

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A Simple Technique To Lessening Conflict…

It might not seem super romantic, but if you can add ease and reduce struggle in your relationship every time you argue, that’s pretty special. Especially when you can do it so easily. And this can be applied even when things are going great! So what is this technique? It’s a really, really small thing that […]

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Making Breakups & Relationships Easier In 3 Simple Steps

Breaking up can be hard and messy, but it doesn’t have to be that way. We’re taught growing up that a relationship is more successful the longer it lasts. And breakups can be so painful, complicated and destructive that staying in a bad relationship can seem more sensible than having to face a catastrophic ending. […]

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Are You Dating A Cat Or A Dog? [Article on YourTango]

… the answer will revive romance in your relationship! [E.T.A. – Oct 1, 2019: This article was republished on YourTango, but it’s become hard to find the Page 2 of the article on their site now, so I’m posting the entire article here so folks can find it easily. I also updated broken links and […]

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Jealousy vs. Envy

In the last article I talked about Jealousy as Asthma and shared how you can identify, avoid, and inoculate against the 8 tentacles/triggers of the Octopus of Jealousy. I also promised to share soon about the difference between Jealousy and Envy, because it can make a BIG difference in relationships. So here’s the distinction between jealousy and […]

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Treat Jealousy Like Asthma

Jealousy isn’t something we look at closely, in general. We’re mostly taught that jealousy is bad, painful, shameful, and there is no relief. When it comes for you, you’re sunk, and it’s better to pretend it doesn’t exist and to just suffer through it when it does happen. (Or, blame our partners viciously if jealousy […]

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Loved, Honored and Cherished, Part II

In my last article I talked about creating safety and how to determine what you and your partner(s) might need to feel safe and grounded in your relationship to create a loved, honored and cherished experience. If you’re not in a romantic relationship right now, you can do this for yourself, for friends and family, for other […]

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Who wins? Feeling Unsafe Vs Feeling Cherished

Feeling Cherished We all want relationships that get richer and deeper and create less stress. Bonus points when they can nourish and fulfill us in new ways! Surprisingly, this is just some of the magic that happens as we start to figure out who and what we are in relationships, what our needs and desires […]

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