Wonder Woman, Hulk, Heimdall Threesome at Burning Man?! – Reid Mihalko at Bawdy Storytelling Reid shares a Burning Man 3-some experience, mixing metaphores (DC and Marvel), at http://www.Bawdy.com. Reid Mihalko from http://www.ReidAboutSex.com. Dixie: When you think of sexual napalm, you may think of our next storyteller. [Laughter] Dixie: That was not a plant that […]
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Kama Sutra Sponsors Sex Geek Summer Camp 2017! Kama Sutra @KamaSutraCo – http://Twitter.com/KamaSutraCo http://facebook.com/thekamasutraco http://kamasutra.com Reid: Hello it’s Reid Mihalko from https://reidaboutsex.com/, creator of http://www.sexgeeksummercamp.com/ the only business retreat for sex educators out in the wilds of the woods, an actual summer camp, a sleepaway summer camp […]
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