Just in case you heard me talking about jealousy on Esther Perel’s Where Shall We Begin podcast, I thought it might be helpful to put my Jealousy Map and Polyamory Resource links where you could easily find them… Enjoy! Get Your FREE Jealousy Map! Did you know that jealousy is an octopus with 8 arms? Each […]
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Curious about how a Virtual Permission Party works? Looking to attend Crista and Reid’s upcoming event? Join play party facilitators Crista Reid and Reid Mihalko for a FREE 27min orientation + 10mins for Q&A!
In 27 minutes, you will take away:
⭐ How to feel more confident engaging during a virtual play party
⭐ How to functionally use the tech and get your groove on in front of the webcam
⭐ A feel for the cultural design of this space and our consent culture system
⭐ Lots of tidbits on being a good, giving, and game virtual play party goer
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