How To Deal With Someone Who Says No To Flirting In A Powerful Way? Cathy: How can you deal with someone say ‘No’ to flirting in a powerful way? This is Reid Mihalko from http://ReidAboutSex.com/.Cathy: How can you deal with someone say ‘No’ to flirting in a powerful way? This is Reid Mihalko from http://ReidAboutSex.com/. […]
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How Do You Say No to Flirting? Cathy: How do you say no to flirting? This is Reid Mihalko from http://www.ReidAboutSex.com/ Reid: This is Cathy Vartuli from http://www.IntimacyDojo.com/ Hi Cathy. Cathy: Hey Reid. Reid: How do you say no to flirting? Cathy: Oh, you’re being really obvious. Reid: Yeah. How do you say no? […]
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