Iron Slut Sex Educator Showdown Sex and relationship expert Reid Mihalko’s (of ReidAbotuSex.com’s) impromptu invite to a friend’s wife to attend one of his humorous and informative workshops… Speaker 1: Reid, anything you want to say to me or to Melinda or to later on in the…. Reid: He’s going to tell you about […]
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Part 2 in this 90-minute interview with the legendary Dossie Easton, therapist, and co-author of the book The Ethical Slut, now in its 2nd Edition! Full interview with audience Q&A available @ www.ReidAboutSex.com COMING SOON! Dossie: I had… at a time we doing it for very long time, I took non-monogamy vow in 1969, so […]
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