Sex Geekery

Can You Really Watch Your Partner Sleep With Someone Else

Society tells us a lot about what it means if our partner sleeps with someone else… Is it possible to watch and enjoy? With Reid Mihalko from and and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: Someone wrote in and  said, “What’s wrong with you dude? You just sit there and watch while someone else […]

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Talking About Touch You Dont Like During Sex

How can you talk to your partner about what you don’t like in bed? Find out with Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from   Cathy: What do you if your partner’s touching you in ways that you don’t particularly like? Reid: I’m Reid Mihalko from Cathy: This is Cathy Vartuli from […]

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Role Modeling… Asking For What You Want In Bed

It can be hard to ask for what you want in bed. Tips, and role modeling with Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Reid: This is awesome. We’re going to get so meta. We’re talking about how you can give your partners upgrades about certain things… Cathy: In bed. Reid: In bed. […]

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How Do You Have Sex With Bigger People?

Is there anything you need to know if you want to sleep with a bigger person? Find out… with Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy:   So, what if you have never slept with a bigger person? And, you want to? How do you talk to them about what’s going on and […]

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Can A Man Feel If The Condom Tears?

How can he tell if the condom breaks? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: Can a man feel if a condom tears while he’s having intercourse? One of our readers, or watchers, wrote in and asked us. This is Reid Mihalko from with his coffee. Reid:    This is Cathy […]

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Can Lack Of Lube Cause The Condom To Break?

If you’re dry can that cause the condom to break? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: There it goes. So someone wrote in and said she is inexperienced having multiple-partner sex. She’s … Reid:    She’s inexperienced having multiple-partnered sex? Cathy: Yeah. So she had some questions. Reid:    Multi partners, meaning […]

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Do You Need To Pinch The Tip Of Your Condom?

How do you put a condom on without letting air bubbles in? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from   Reid:    This one goes [pshew] this one goes [pshem] because it’s muffled, because it’s got a condom on it. Okay, last condom video, we didn’t talk about pinching the tip to roll […]

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How Do You Become A Sex Educator?

How can a non-sex educator become a sex educator? And what types of sex educators are there? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: Someone wrote in and said, “How does a lay person become a sex educator? Reid:    You said lay. Sorry. This is Cathy Vartuli from . Cathy: […]

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How Can You Handle Fluid Bonding in Poly and Open Relationships?

If you’re fluid bonded and one of your partners partners is not playing safe with others, what can you do? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from   Cathy: Someone wrote in and said, my husband and I are fluid bonded with another couple, but they’re more active in the scene and engage […]

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How Can I Attract A More Diverse And Inclusive People To My Group?

Running a Meetup group and wanting a more diverse and inclusive group? What can you do? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: Someone who runs a polyamory group wrote in and said, “I just started this group but it’s mostly Caucasian people with money, how do I attract people…” Reid:    […]

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