
Building Connection with Somebody For Them to Not Feel Awkward

Building Connection with Somebody For Them to Not Feel Awkward     Reid: How do you build relatedness, how do you build connection enough if you want to hit somebody so that they don’t get awkward? This is Cathy Vartuli from http://TheIntimacyDojo.com/ Cathy: Reid Mihalko from http://ReidAboutSex.com/. Reid: And, go Cathy. What are your thoughts […]

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When Eroticism and Personal Politics Collide

When Eroticism and Personal Politics Collide             Sorry about the low level background noise! Our mic decided to die halfway through the “shoot”! Cathy: Someone wrote in and said what do I do with my eroticism and my personal politics collide such as feminists who likes to be called girl […]

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Feeling Addicted To Someone Who Isn’t Your Species? What Do You Do?

Feeling Addicted To Someone Who Isn’t Your Species? What Do You Do?   Sorry about the low level background noise! Our mic decided to die halfway through the “shoot”! Cathy: Someone wrote in and said, we talked how not to fall in love but how we extricate yourself when you realize you’re not with your […]

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If You Need To Feel Special… Where Does Other People’s Consent Come In?

If You Need To Feel Special… Where Does Other People’s Consent Come In?     Sorry about the low level background noise! Our mic decided to die halfway through the “shoot”! Cathy: So, where is the boundary between other people’s need to feel special and my consent? This is Reid Mihalko from www.ReidAboutSex.com Reid: Cathy […]

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How Can I Make Someone Orgasm As Quickly As Possible The First Time We Meet?

How Can I Make Someone Orgasm As Quickly As Possible The First Time We Meet?     Have you ever wondered about how to make a woman orgasm as fast as possible? Find out more with Reid Mihalko from http://www.ReidAboutSex.com and Cathy Vartuli from http://www.TheIntimacyDojo. Sorry about the low level background noise! Our mic decided […]

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Why Won’t My Partner Sleep Over and Cuddle After Sex? What Do I Do?

Why Won’t My Partner Sleep Over and Cuddle After Sex? What Do I Do?       Sorry about the low level background noise! Our mic decided to die halfway through the “shoot”! Cathy: We have a wonderful viewer who write in and said that she loved our video on when your partner doesn’t want […]

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I’m A Shy Introvert… How Do I Get Other People To Make The First Move?

I’m A Shy Introvert… How Do I Get Other People To Make The First Move?       Cathy: One gentleman wrote and said how can shy introverts like myself encourage women to lead interactions. I think this is true for whatever gender you might be. It’s really nice to know how you can encourage […]

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How Does Someone Bounce Back After Betrayal?

How Does Someone Bounce Back After Betrayal?       Sorry about the low grade background noise! Our mic decided to die halfway through the “shoot”! Cathy: We have new comment. Hey peeps, running for a dear friend who had a classic narcissistic partner with who have been lying to her for years. A lot […]

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Woodhull 2016

Woodhull 2016       Get tips with With Reid Mihalko from http://www.ReidAboutSex.com and Nina Hartley from http://TuesdaysWithNina.com and http://www.nina.com/. http://www.woodhullfoundation.org/ Reid: What is Woodhull? Hi my name is Reid Mihalko from https://reidaboutsex.com/ also the creator of http://www.sexgeeksummercamp.com/ and when I’ve got the green shirt on with the camp logo that means this is a […]

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Men, Women and Status… How Does Status Affect Dating?

Men, Women and Status… How Does Status Affect Dating?       Cathy: Someone wrote in and said that they are curious about the current state of this person mentioned Japan and US where he saw a huge gap in the mentality of women towards men. Making most women on the same level as men […]

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