Rape, Incest and Healing the Wounded Feminine Talk in Sedona

by Reid on May 6, 2009

Reid Mihalko to speak on Impeccability and the importance of Steadfastness at the Sedona Daka/Dakini Conference, May 8-10th, a Conference & Gathering for Sacred Sexuality Healers, Teachers & Practitioners…

Rape, Incest and Healing the Wounded Feminine: Impeccability and Steadfastness 101

As practitioners of sexual healing, we are often the first adults our seekers and clients feel safe enough with to open up their Pandora’s Box of past hurts and wounds. As they delve into, stir up and begin to release old traumas, it’s only natural that their rage, mistrust and lashing out sometimes gets directed at us. For those of us who haven’t learned the hard-won knowledge of experiencing the fury of a wounded woman as she heals herself and reclaims her sexuality, we can sometimes flinch or lash-back when what these women need most is for us to be unshakable.

For the dakas among us, especially new practitioners, our flinching reinforces our client’s mistrust, reigniting feelings of victimhood, setting off a chain of events that can sometimes turn into accusations of misconduct. While these projections are normal and, sadly, sometimes founded, how do we hold our clients responsible for their own well-being and accountability while midwifing their sexual and emotional reclamation? How do we, as dakas and dakinis, achieve the integrity and impeccability that makes holding space for a woman’s healing journey more smooth? How do we amass the endurance required as healers to hold resolute and steadfast while remaining accessible and open hearted? And what can we do when it is our own learning curve that is getting in the way?

Join world-renowned sex and relationship educator Reid Mihalko as he shares his findings and thoughts on healing the wounded feminine. This will be a precursor to an extend workshop on healing the wounded feminine to be held in New York City in conjunction with the East Coast Daka/Dakini Conference in October

Listen to Reid’s presentation Being Sacred and Single
from the East Coast Daka/Dakini Conference in October 2008…

Download this Free podcast by Reid Mihalko!

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