Vaginal Shame

What Do You Do If You Think You Smell Bad “Down There”? Dealing with Vaginal Shame

How can you deal with vaginal shame? Are you afraid you smell bad down there? With Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from and Cathy: What do you do when you have vaginal shame and you’re afraid that you smell bad down there? Reid: I’m Reid Mihalko from Cathy: I’m Cathy […]

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Vaginal Shame And What You Can Do

Dealing with Vaginal Shame, or care about someone who is? A frank discussion about sexual shame and how to reconnect with your vagina and how to help others feel more self-love. Join relationship expert Reid Mihalko from and Cathy Vartuli from as Reid shares his Safer Sex Elevator Speech. Cathy: Hi I’m Cathy Vartuli […]

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