
What Are Some Cunnilingus Tips

How do you do cunnilingus well? With Reid Mihalko from and and Cathy Vartuli from Reid: Cunnilingus tips? Cathy: Yes. Reid: All right. Cathy: This is Reid Mihalko from Reid: This is Cathy Vartuli from Cathy: Reid travels all around the country teaching a workshop at sex-toy stores and colleges […]

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Oral Sex Expertise Made Simple [Video]

Say goodbye to your insecurities and helllllooooo to a new world of self-confidence! Want to increase your oral confidence and competence but you (or your partner) are too shy to watch full-on porn? Wish you had something respectful and fun to watch with your lover that entertains while teaching? Looking for pragmatic, respectful advice that’s […]

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