Creating Your Romance Homerun
Attn: Future Relationship Superheroes!
Do You Want More Romance and Connection In Your Life? Want To Replace The Frustration and Confusion With Warm, Playful Intimacy and “Pounce On You” Desire?
Let Me Show You A NEW Way Of Creating Romance That Will Make You
A Romance Superhero… The Kind of Superhero Who Leaves Your Loved Ones Cooing, Your Relationships Thriving, And Boosts Your Confidence!
I’ve helped over 50,000 couples and singles make their relationships and love lives healthier and more fulfilling.
And, I can help you, too.
I was just like you… I struggled to keep my relationships feeling warm and fuzzy, my partners felt unloved and I was frustrated and confused at how to change it. I loved them… But failed to make them happy. And I was starved for affection, too. I blamed myself, and was being blamed for not being a good partner. Instead of warm, affectionate caresses and soft kisses, my life was filled with arguments, criticisms, and failed attempts at mind reading. The magical Hollywood ending would never be mine! I became the villain, and my relationships ended horribly.
My insecurities crept into my dating life, too. It was hard for me to connect… I knew I couldn’t read minds. I felt paralyzed. I couldn’t take the lead, nor could I help them connect with me. So rather than risk being vulnerable and make the same mistakes, I pushed people away.
As a relationship coach I felt like a fraud that my personal relationships (dating experiences included) were frustrating and disconnected. Until I accidentally stumbled upon the key to opening the door to a new way of looking of building romantic connection that was easier and more powerful than any Hollywood movie…
If you’ve ever felt like you just don’t “get it” when it comes to culture’s standard blueprint for men and women in relationships… If being a “manly-man” or a “delicate woman” always felt incomplete… If “romance” has always felt a bit off or inauthentic… Then what I have to share will give you the equivalent of romantic superpowers, and help YOU feel more romance, connection and fulfillment in your relationships, too.
Most people have been without romance for so long that they’ve forgotten what it’s like to light up when your loved one walks into the room… Or to be pounced on when you get home from work.
A lot of people feel like failures when it comes to romance and either breakup before they learn the secret to creating deep, connected, thriving relationships. Or they live lives of quiet desperation wondering where the love has gone.
Congratulations for being courageous enough to keep searching. I’m so excited to share this fast and easy solution to something so many people never conquer! I can’t wait to show you how to create Your Romance Homerun!
Most people believe that true romance isn’t even possible anymore. They think it takes too much time and effort to leave their partners feeling loved, honored and cherished. And that they themselves don’t deserve to feel warm and cared for. They failed so many times, they gave up rather than risk being hurt again. However, you kept going and now’s your time to win at romance with a powerfully new perspective and a proven approach that will set you and your partner’s heart aglow.
- Imagine being able to light up your partner’s or a dates face with little effort, and knowing the unique combination for unlocking their desire.
- How would it feel to rekindle lost love and rebuild trust and connection today… To feel the eagerness to spend time together again and feel excited and happy in each other’s arms?
- To look forward to date night, knowing you can be authentically you, and still rev your partner’s engine!
- To be able to teach your loved ones the secret recipe to romancing you so they can easily and powerfully leave you purring with delight!
(These skills are so universal, that you can use them to create connection and good will in non-romantic relationships, too. Imagine creating for your family, friends and kids deep feelings of being cared for and loved… Your boss and co-workers appreciated and appreciating you… Just be sure to use your new found powers for good!)
Really, when I had this epiphany, it changed how I looked at everything. It made me a better relationship coach, it made me a better partner, and it made me a better man. I’ve taught thousands of people this set of skills and watched it transform their lives. And I know it will work for you.
In this easy to digest and master course, I’ll guide you to:

- Understanding why romance, the way it’s been talked about, hasn’t been working, and why it was never your fault.
- Identifying other people’s romantic orientation so that you know how to hit their romantic homerun out of the park, whether you’ve been together for years or on a first date.
- Identifying your own romantic orientation so that you don’t make the mistakes the rest of the world is making.
- Discovering the things that make you feel warm and cherished (in a way you can easily explain to your loved ones) and the things that make those you care about feel loved (in a way you can remember and easily fulfill).
- Tuning into the difference between seduction and romance, and when to use them.
- Mastering a formula for turning romance from awkward and uncomfortable to confident and natural.
- Being the role model for how to create warm, engaging connection… So your kids and loved ones can bypass the struggle and conflict you’ve felt.
- Cooking up your unique romance recipe that you can give to people so they can serve you up gourmet romance in minutes.
I care deeply about helping you have a better, more connected life.
Here’s what people I’ve worked with have to say:
“Reid is the perfect 21st Century sex nerd: He’s sassy, savvy, and sexy–and he knows how to help you feel that way, too. Quit hesitating and take his [class/workshop/course] already!”
~Linda, Boulder, CO
“My husband and I have been two several of your workshops in and around the LA area. You are always so funny and the information you present is always top notch and so interesting. Thank you for being a positive force in the sex education world.”
~Teresa Lyons, Temecula, CA
“Last weekend I meet someone truly amazing. She was poly, kinky, cute, smart, adventurous, etc, etc. Had I not taken Reid’s classes, I would have missed out on the most fantas-orgasmic weekend ever!! Many thanks!”
~Charlie Nixen, Sunnyvale, CA
“Communication is the key to getting what we want and Reid is the Keymaster! You know instantly in speaking with him that he is connected to you, feels your pain and can show you the light at the end of the tunnel.”
~Steven Davis, Bend, OR
Here’s what you get in Your Romance Homerun Course:
- Six (6) focused, easy to understand videos that walk you through Reid’s process and make the concepts crystal clear and easy to implement immediately!
- Downloadable MP3s of each video so you can listen and reinforce the ideas and techniques from the privacy of your car, office, or smartphone!
- Transcripts from each video for you to print out, highlight, note take, and review.
- These include my best-proven tools, approaches and examples so you make a difference in your relationships moments after you finish the first video!
- Lifetime access to the entire course so you can learn at your own pace and return to review if and when new challenges crop up.
What would your life be like if you could turn on the romance and strengthen your relationships today? How would it feel if your loved ones could consistently win at leaving you feeling appreciated, desired and goofy with delight?
Contrast that with where you are now, and where you might be in another year… With the conflict continuing or escalating, the frustration growing, and the uncertainty gnawing at your confidence and self-esteem.
Bonus #1:
I’ll also be including a live 60-minute group Q&A call where I’ll help you fine-tune specific romance recipes, untangle old stagnant deadlocks, and clear a path to sweet harmony in your relationships. Hearing other people’s perspectives and ideas can anchor these new concepts and often bring up issues that might be in your blind spots! (The call will be recorded and available to you afterward, and if you can’t make it live, you can still send in your question!)
Bonus #2:
I’m also including my How To Blow Their Socks Off, Making Special Occasions EPIC, Audio program. I guide you how to make the next special occasion… Birthday, Valentine’s, New Year’s, Anniversary, the best and most memorable ever! The kind that will bring a smile to that special someone’s lips for years to come. This is not available in my store… This is the only place you can get it at this time. This audio and transcript alone are a $47 value!
So How Much Is This Program?
If you hired me to teach you these skills one-on-one, it would cost you at least $300 an hour. If you wanted me for a weekend, weekend intensives start at $5000 (and I’m booked 3-4 months in advance).
For the cost of a babysitter for one night (or less than a week’s worth of Starbucks!), you can have my best advice at your fingertips!
When you get your copy this week, you’ll have access to my live Q&A call, where I’ll answer your specific questions and concerns. (Don’t worry, it will be recorded in case you can’t make the call live… And you can still email me your questions before). AND YOU’LL ALSO GET my audio on Making Special Occasions Epic! Don’t miss out!
Please don’t leave your relationship struggling and romanceless one more day! You and your loved ones deserve romance and fulfillment, and you never know when the next fight or blowup could topple things into a downward spiral.
FOR YOU SINGLE FOLKS: Knowing how to create romance and knock your romance homeruns out of the park will help you be prepared when that special someone comes along, so you don’t miss the opportunity to wow them! It will make your dates more fun and fulfilling, and leave you feeling more confident in all phases of relationships. It will also allow you to vet your dates and assess quickly if they’re a good fit for you in the romance department!
My Knock Your Socks Off Money Back Guarantee:
If you go through my program and actually try a few of my suggestions, and you aren’t delighted with what you’ve learned, simply ask for a full refund within 30 days, and I will gladly refund your money. I am committed to leaving your campsite better than I found it. If this course doesn’t leave YOU feeling warm and fuzzy, then I failed and you deserve your money back!
Click the button below now and immediately get your copy of Your Romance Homerun Before The Bonuses Go Away!!
DON’T MISS OUT on the live Q&A call so you and your loved ones have to struggle another week. Don’t let the world grow colder and colder when you can take action now!
P.S. Take action now. Don’t let another day pass with your relationship slipping into routine and crippling frustration. Don’t let the weeks and months turn into years, with the warmth and love waning as the resentments and disconnect take over. Don’t let the confusion and frustration turn into blame and criticism when you can change everything NOW… Learn this simple approach to creating powerful romance today!
P.P.S. Conventional advice around romance SUCKS. It teaches people to be fake, pretend, and tries to fit everyone into “men should/women should” boxes. I’ll teach you how to discover the authentic, unique romance approach that opens hearts, creates smiles, and leaves people relaxed, cherished, and loved (YOU included). In this 5 video set (with downloadable MP3s and transcripts) I’ll walk you through the underlying concepts, and help you create the Romance Homerun you and your loved ones have been longing for (and for single people, you’ll learn how to keep your intimacy tanks full and vet prospective suitors)!
I’m including a live group Q&A call and my Making Special Occasions Epic audio program as bonuses. You get my no-risk 30-day guarantee. And the appreciation and delight of your loved ones and all those around you! All for $47! Click the button below now and get immediate access!!