Brain-Sex At Sex Geek Summer Camp with Yoni Alkan

by Reid on September 24, 2016

yoni1Yoni Alkan from shares about his experience at Sex Geek Summer Camp.



Yoni: Hi everyone! I’m Yoni Alkan at I have learned so many awesome things here but I think the number one thing that I’ve learned is that every person on their path gets something else from Sex Geek Summer Camp. And I’m pretty sure that I’m hoping to come next year and next year I will learn something completely different. And the things that we talked about are gonna touch me in a totally different way and make my business even better. The thing I like about Sex Geek Summer Camp so much is actually the people. You’re surrounded by your clan. You get in touch with fantastic people. Have brain geeky sex with everyone which I mean, you have brain sex, which is fantastic. You just sit and talk deeply into subjects that usually you can’t talk to other people about and all of a sudden, you’re surrounded by your peers and you can just get amazing opinions. So if you’re on the fence whether you want to come to Sex Geek Summer Camp or not, you will not get more value for your buck than coming here. You’ve got five days where you got basically well, tent and board and you get amazing classes and I’ve said, wonderful people. You get so much out of it for very little money and respectfully of course. And I think that is a great selling point that Reid does it. He basically doesn’t make a lot of money out of this camp but he gets a lot of love from people and rightfully so. I’d love to see you in next Sex Geek Summer Camp.

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